Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as a National Project Manager. Apply today and contribute to global development!

Are you seeking a chance to have a meaningful impact on the world? Employment with the United Nations Development Programme presents a special opportunity to contribute to eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development.. Whether it’s through humanitarian assistance or advocating for human rights, the UNDP offers a platform where enthusiastic individuals can address the urgent challenges that humanity faces today.

About UNDP

The United Nations Development Programme is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. The UNDP emphasizes on developing local capacity towards long-term self-sufficiency and prosperity.

Why work at UNDP

  1. Global Impact: UNDP is the leading United Nations organization dedicated to eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities, and promoting sustainable development worldwide. By working at UNDP, you have the opportunity to contribute to addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as poverty, climate change, gender equality, and social injustice.
  2. Mission-Driven Work: UNDP’s mission is to help countries achieve sustainable development by providing policy advice, technical expertise, and financial resources. As an employee, you become part of a global network of professionals committed to making a positive difference in people’s lives and improving the well-being of communities around the world.
  3. Diverse and Inclusive Environment: UNDP is an international organization that values diversity and inclusiveness. It brings together professionals from various backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, fostering an enriching and collaborative work environment. Working at UNDP allows you to interact with people from different countries and cultures, broadening your perspective and promoting cross-cultural understanding.

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Details to the National Project Manager Post

Kathmandu, Nepal

Posting Date:
6th May 2024, 12:30 PM

Application Deadline:
20th May 2024, 8:14 PM

Job Schedule:

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)


Vacancy Type:
National Personnel Service Agreement

Practice Area:
Inclusive Growth

Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

Contract Duration:
1 Year

Duties and Responsibilities

Effective and efficient management of the Circular and Green Economy for Environmental Restoration in Nepal (GREEN)

  • Provide leadership to the implementation of the project taking responsibility for the overall programme performance and delivery of outputs ensuring UNDP corporate standards.
  • Lead the project’s team and supervise the members of the team in all programme implementation, procurement, human resource, finance and administrative functions. 
  • Ensure full compliance of operations with UN/UNDP rules, regulations and policies, implementation of operational strategies, establishment of management targets and monitoring of achievement of results of all project components as described in the project document.
  • Develop smooth transition of green economy approach and implement in the project activities considering disaster risk reduction principle.
  • Use relevant contractual modalities and manage contracts and supervise the subcontractors to ensure the delivery of quality outputs. 
  • Provide technical support to develop policy and regulatory framework for promoting green skills entrepreneurship in partnership with Local Governments.
  • Enhance livelihoods and restore ecosystem through integrated and innovative approaches, research and development on portfolio of circular and green economy.
  • Technical support to conduct R&D functions and communicate the research findings to the concerned authorities/stakeholders.
  • Analyze results/lessons learned and provide strategies for improved delivery of project interventions and identify any issue that requires attention by the UNDP and prepare succinct reports for discussion.
  • Take the lead in preparing annual and quarterly progress reports as well as other reports for UNDP, donors, and other stakeholders, as per project requirements. 
  • Regularly update the Risk Log, M&E plan, HR plan and Procurement Plan. Based on the M & E framework in the project document, help develop and refine indicators for the effective implementation of the project. 
  • Ensure reaching out to the targeted beneficiaries with special attention to youths, women and disadvantaged communities with focus on Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) and green economy.
  • Design and develop a detailed project document based on the results and lessons learnt ensuring full compliance of operations with UN/UNDP rules, regulations and policies, 
  • Coordinate with Country Office to ensure coordination on HR, Procurement plans, and partnership development. 
  • Monitor the day-to-day operation and submit the progress reports based on the approved AWPs.

Partnership Building and Resource Mobilisation

  • Development of partnerships with the UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society in the specific thematic areas based on strategic goals of UNDP, country needs and donors’ priorities. Support ongoing coordination efforts.
  • Supports coordination and strategic planning efforts and partnership.
  • Contribute to the harnessing of effective partnerships and competitive selection of partners for the implementation of the project. 
  • Develop mechanisms and instruments for selection of appropriate provincial and local governments, Non-Governmental Organization and civil society partners in the implementation of the project.
  • Oversee the mobilization of additional resources from development partners. 
  • Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation, identification of opportunities for initiation of new projects activities, active contribution to the overall office effort in resource mobilization. Research the engagement with non-traditional donors to support the project.

Human Resource and Procurement Management

  • Maintain close contact with country office to ensure coordination on HR administration of staff as well other matters of concern.
  • With the support of the Operations Division of Country Office, oversee all the recruitment and procurement of the project as per approved Human resource and Procurement plans. 
  • Use different contractual modalities and manage contracts.
  • Supervise the subcontractors to ensure the delivery of quality work. 

Financial Management

  • Prepare and consolidate the overall budget, monitor expenditures, budget forecasts, budget revisions and financial reports in accordance with UNDP financial rules and implement internal control system.
  • Ensure effective and accurate financial resource management. 
  • Prepare and consolidate the overall budget, monitor expenditures in accordance with UNDP financial rules and cost-recovery policies and implement adequate internal control. 
  • Prepare budgets, budget forecasts, budget revisions and financial reports.

Knowledge Management

  • Facilitation of knowledge building and management of the project team.
  • Analyse results/lessons learned and provide strategies for improved delivery of project interventions.
  • Ensures that project lessons learned, and best practices are captured and documented to inform wider policies and programmes.

Gender and Social Inclusion Sensitivity

  • Apply principles of gender and social inclusion as the cross-cutting issue in every aspect of the project implementation and management. 
  • Ensure Gender Empowerment and Social Inclusion (GESI) components in programme implementation; and communications tools and products developed and disseminated.
  • Review, monitor, and report on the progress of GESI related targets and work plan on a regular basis.
  • Facilitate in creating an environment to address GESI issues and make sure women and people from disadvantaged group are sufficiently benefitted from project result.
  • Create a safe working environment by developing respectful and safe organizational culture and supporting practices.
  • Collaborates with team members, programme partners, and sub-grantees to ensure safe implementation of programmes at the community level applying Do No Harm approach.

The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.


Core competencies:

  • Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact.
  • Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems.
  • Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences.
  • Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands. 
  • Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results.
  • Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration.
  • Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity.

People Management competencies:

  • UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies 

Business Direction and Strategy       

  • System Thinking: Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system.

Business management           

  • Partnerships Management: Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNDP strategy and policies.
  • Project Management: Ability to plan, organise, prioritise and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals.
  • Risk Management: Ability to identify and organise action around mitigating and proactively managing risks.

2023 Agenda: People                

  • Gender: Gender Mainstreaming

2023 Agenda: Governance    

  • Governance: Inclusion and Participation


  • Relationship Management: Ability to engage with a wide range of public and private partners, build, sustain and/or strengthen working relations, trust and mutual understanding.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree or equivalent) in Economics, International Relations, Public Policy, Management, Social Sciences, or another relevant subject is required,
  • A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in the areas mentioned above in combination with 2 additional years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of Master´s degree.


  • Minimum five (5) years (with Master´s degree) or seven (7) years (with bachelor’s degree) of experience in in development financing, effective development cooperation, public finance, private sector development, capacity building and advisory services is required.
  • Proven experience of managing bilateral, multilateral donors funded projects and its implementation in Nepal on Green Skills, project management or relevant area is required.
  • Understanding of relevant current plans and policies of the Government of Nepal and familiar with various initiatives at provincial and local levels through various stakeholders (ministries and local bodies) will be an asset.
  • Thorough understanding of gender and social inclusion and practical experience of integrating it into the GREEN sector is desired.
  • Hands on experience in designing projects, project planning, implementation, and monitoring will be an asset.
  • Substantial working experience of coordination and collaboration with private sector, and different spheres of government- local, provincial, and federal government is desired.
  • Experience in policy review, formulation for skills development is desired.
  • Knowledge and experience of working with government ministries, provincial and local Governments, United Nations, private sector, business & industries, and Development Partners would be an asset. 
  • Good report writing skill. 
  • Good knowledge of UNDP rules and procedures or experience of completing UN assignments would be an asset.
  • Good knowledge of computer applications, especially MS Office Good understanding of other application for data management and project monitoring

Required Languages:

  • Nepali and English 


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